Selasa, 01 April 2014
Convert tutorial
In line with the development of science and knowledge in the field of technology , many people may not know even know when a rare is getting the video but the video is wanted in the store in the memory hp or change the shape of video files into an mp3 file . Sometimes when we have to get a music video or song , we want to always listen to it without having to see the video . In this article I will discuss how to modify the files mentioned above .
The process to convert these files requires
software called converting software , an example of such software is total video converter and video converter any . As the name implies stretcher software is used to convert , for which there is no such software please download both below yes
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Webcam application
Make all my friends who want to narcissistic via computer or laptop , or already bored with the photo application that already exists , I would like to share for two webcam application that often even the most widely used to enhance the appearance of the pictures or made into a funny photo . For the first application was WebcamMax , because in many features of this application are given , can add some animation in one photo , for my friends who want the application can be downloaded
here , for his crack can be downloaded here .
For the second application is ManyCam , ManyCam is almost the same
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Battery Monitoring Applications
In this article , I want to share some of the applications that are used to
monitor the condition of the battery on gadgets , we want blackbery or android
phone , nearly two platforms provide some of the same application , for
example, is :
1 . Battery Watch : This application serves to monitor the condition of the battery on the phone , given the advantages of this application is
when started the low battery condition , then there will be an audio notification that appears to warn us to immediately deduct the mobile phone , when we were to charge the phone , when we 've battrey full or fully charged , there will be also a warning notification to immediately revoke chargeran of mobile phones .
2 . Tiny Meter : This application made in the country . functions and looks almost the same as that
1 . Battery Watch : This application serves to monitor the condition of the battery on the phone , given the advantages of this application is
when started the low battery condition , then there will be an audio notification that appears to warn us to immediately deduct the mobile phone , when we were to charge the phone , when we 've battrey full or fully charged , there will be also a warning notification to immediately revoke chargeran of mobile phones .
2 . Tiny Meter : This application made in the country . functions and looks almost the same as that
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Learning Beep on Motherboard
Terms become a computer technician one is to
understand the bios beep on every brand of motherboard used by the user . If
the PC does not turn on , accompanied by the sound of " beep " you
hear unusual , indicating the BIOS of your PC problem is detected on the PC .
If this happens , you should find out in advance what the source of the problem
, and take action to
overcome . The first thing you should know is what
type of BIOS used by PC users . regular information about this appears on the
screen as soon as you turn on the PC .
Award BIOS Beep Codes
1 long beep , 2 short beeps : No problem on the
graphics card ( VGA )
1 long beep , 3 short beeps : VGA not detected or
VGA memory broken
beep repeated endlessly
( when the new PC Boot ) : there is a problem in the
RAM ( PC memory )
endlessly repeated beeps ( when the PC is in use ) :
CPU temperature is too
beep repeatedly with high - low sound endlessly :
there is a problem with
CPU / processor .
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Some apps appear to unite multiple smartphone platforms , for example, is an application that can be used whatsapp on android platform to begin with, then the applications developed by developers so that users can use these applications blackberry . Whatsapp is growing up to be used for mobile phones based on java with some provisions .
The second application is emerging after whatsaap line , line function is similar to whatsapp for sending text messages and audio messages . However, the advantages gained are android users , because with this application , phoned each other . Unfortunately this feature is not available for blackberry platform . After the line , emerging applications WeChat the same base with two applications that I mentioned earlier . can send text messages and audio , which supplied its more or less the same as online applications and whatsaap
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Tugas Bahasa Inggris
1. Pengertian dari :
2. Mention and
define the kinds of pronoun
- Subject : apa atau siapa yang dibicarakan dalam suatu kalimat atau klausa, contohnya : the book in on the table.
- Verb : suatu kata yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan tindakan dari subjek, menunjukkan keadaan atau peristiwa (kata kerja), contohnya : Budi write the letter.
- Complement :
kata atau kelompok kata yang melengkapi makna dari subject, verb, dan object,
contohnya : Budi write the letter on the papper, Budi put his books on the
table. Keterangan : budi = subject,
write, puts = verb, book, letter = object.
- Modifier : suatu
kata atau kalimat yang diawali oleh kata depan dan di akhiri oleh noun,
contohnya : Budi write the letter on the papper.
Pronoun : kata yang digunakan untuk mennggantikan noun (kata benda) yang dapat berupa
orang, benda, hewan, atau tempat.
Personal pronoun
: you are the teacher.
pronoun : those are my book.
pronoun : who are you ?
Relative pronoun
: those are my books which you sent yesterday
pronoun : everything in my room is mine J
pronoun : I am going to buy my self new clothes.
pronoun : I my self promise to solve this problem alone.
Reciprocal pronoun : Andi and Budi each other
is reading a new book.
B.Inggris Bisnis 2
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